July Origami Club 7月の折り紙クラブ

July Origami Club 7月の折り紙クラブ

In our July Origami Club, we had 8 children joined from California, Georgia, Massachusetts, & England! Thank you so much for joining!

七夕ーTanabataー Start Festival is coming up on July 7th and we made 6 traditional ornaments that can be decorated to celebrate the occasion. 

I hope you will look up the sky and find 天の川ーAma No GawaーThe Milky Way. Think about the stories that’s been told over a thousand year in Japan and in China. 





August Origami Club  8月の折り紙クラブ

August Origami Club 8月の折り紙クラブ

First Mall Visit after 15 months 15ヶ月ぶりのモール

First Mall Visit after 15 months 15ヶ月ぶりのモール