Talentology-Sainougaku -4 才能学を受けました−4
才能学のことについてお話しています。Continuing on to Talentology.
Talentology-Sainougaku: to discover one’s “mission in life” to make the most out of one’s talent.
The verdict was:I am a 100% right brainer. More specifically, I am a dreamer. Even more specifically, I am a performer.
Actually, I’ve tried to find out if I am a left or a right brainer before with books. Based on the way I cross my arms or hands, all books showed I am a left brainer and I believed it.
I argued with Prof. Shichijo when he told me I am a 100% right brainer without a doubt. I asked him again and again if he is sure of his result. Using his UD9 chart, he explained to me why he came to the conclusion and answered all my questions.
Posting with permission. 掲載許可をいただいております。
He then explained why combining Jiu-Jitsu, Calligraphy, Japanese culture fit me so well, why Jiu-Jitsu resonates with me so well, and how I could proceed in the future with these three areas of what I am passionate about.
When I am a right brainer, but living as a left brainer, of course things doesn’t fit too well. As I listed to him, my vision started to get clearer, and the path more obvious.
“This is the way I am supposed to proceed.”
It helped me to give permission for myself to keep pursuing my passion.
What I felt the most after this session:
“it got easier to go on.”
If you know your talent, you can acknowledge them and accept them.
It’s not to boasting, it’s not depreciating, but to accept them as they are.
It’s important and helpful to know yourself, after all for your sake and for others. This was what I took away from this session.
It’s good if you can find out yourself, but for me, it was very helpful to hear it from someone who is an outsider who can explain it logically.
I highly recommend Talentology session with him if you find bewilderment in life, or feeling uneasy in life. You will find the path you can shine.
つづく... to be continued...