May Origami Club 5月の折り紙クラブ

May Origami Club 5月の折り紙クラブ

In our May Origami Club, we had 3 adults and 3 children joined from California, & Canada!

To honor Japanese Boys’ Day on 5/5 , we made samurai hats, samurai hat chopstick holder, koi chopstick holder & stand. We had so much fun drawing and decorating!!

We also went over a few traditions of the Boy’s Day. 

I hope they can enjoy decorating their homes to celebrate and remember Boy’s Day!

Wishing health and well-being of all children.

Looking forward to the next Origami Club in June!






No Excuses 言い訳はなし

No Excuses 言い訳はなし

April Origami Club 4月の折り紙クラブ

April Origami Club 4月の折り紙クラブ