Origami Frogs 折り紙でカエル

Origami Frogs 折り紙でカエル

Japan’s rainy season is comping up and we started to learn about frogs.


We are practicing “Chorus of Frogs”—Japanese children song. It’s a fun tune to sing with unavoidable smiles (we are practicing in Adult class, too). Coming from chorus background, I want to be able to sing a round.

In kid’s class today, we made origami jumping frogs. It’s a little hard one, but we each folded two and drew eyes and designs.

Can they jump high or far forward? An exciting activity!

According to the mother of the new 12 year old student who started coming last week, he has been very interested in attending my Japanese class for a long time, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. During the attendance sticker time in my class, students were discussing how many stickers they’ve already collected, I heard this new student bursted out saying, “I only have two now because last week was my first time, and that was the best day of my life!”

In every class, my hope is that children take something they can remember and filled with happy feelings when they think of my class. My goal is to lead children to yarn for learning about Japan and Japanese culture for a long time. I, of course, go over conversational phrases and how to write certain words, but that is to develop their curiosity and wanting to learn more. And by accumulating the small “I got it!” moments, I hope they keep wanting to learn more as they grow.


With limited time I see them once a week for 45 minutes, I strive to provide and lead the class where students can remember as “that was the best day of my life!”









Favorite Books 大好きな絵本

Favorite Books 大好きな絵本

May Japanese class at Preschool 5月の日本語クラス

May Japanese class at Preschool 5月の日本語クラス