Raining Cats & Dogs

Raining Cats & Dogs

It is rare to see and hear rain drops in California at this time of year as we are in the Mediterranean Climate Zone. The rainy season doesn’t come until mid-October.  But, alas! It rained today in August!

I got so excited and started researching the origins of the English expression “it’s raining cats and dogs” and the Japanese equivalent.

In my latest podcast episode, I discussed three things:

1.It’s raining cats & dogs



Ame means rain, with the kanji character 雨. Here are the writings of 雨 and related characters explained in my podcast.

雨 is made of two parts: Frame & four short lines.

Frame is symbolizing clouds in heaven.

These four short lines are symbolizing water.

There are over 400 characters that have 雨 as their radicals (as a part).

One of the two are 雪(yuki- snow) and  雲(kumo- clouds).

雪:The bottom portion is a simplified version of 彗 (comet), which is symbolizing the cleansing effect with the frozen water. = snow

雲:The bottom portion is 云(iu-to say) as cloud forming saying this and so forth - random = clouds

From expressions of animals to parts of kanji, it is so fascinating! I hope rain will come more!


興奮して鼻息荒く英語の「It’s raining cats & dogs」という表現と日本語の表現をじっくり調べてみました。


1.It’s raining cats & dogs








Corporate Origami Workshop

Corporate Origami Workshop