Setsubun with Ninjas  忍者クラスで節分

Setsubun with Ninjas 忍者クラスで節分

I had an opportunity to share the history of Setsubun in youth ninja class.  They’ve also tried 福豆 the “fortune beans” —roasted soy beans. 

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掲載許可を頂いております。Posting with permission.

They work so hard to learn and memorize the names of the moves in Japanese, but also physically to keep the art of Ninjutsu going.  I am so grateful for the instructors to give me the precious 10 minute of their class time.  I hope they’ve felt Japan a little closer today. 






Persimmons of Wakayama in LA  ロスで和歌山の柿

Persimmons of Wakayama in LA  ロスで和歌山の柿

NOLA in SF  ニューオーリンズをサンフランシスコで

NOLA in SF ニューオーリンズをサンフランシスコで