Why Can't You?--Hero Hoodie & Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
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“May I post pictures to my FB page and my blog?” at least I had a courage to ask, and the answer came quickly with a kind “you are definitely welcome to share.” Though I couldn’t get out of my self consciousness thinking “who am I to write about it,” Hero Hoodie went ahead of me and posted my pictures. I felt like I got a pat on my back to break through from whatever I was hiding. Thank you, Rener! So here I am.
This January we drove down six hours to LA to see my relatives. As much as I love to see them, my another highlight of the trip was to visit the headquarter of the Gracie Academy in Torrance. This was my second time visiting, and I was thrilled to see the new training center opened last fall.
I will write about it in another time, but today I would like to write about Hero Hoodie, a clothing company founded by Rener Gracie, who is a grandson of the grandmaster of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Helio Gracie, and who co-operates Gracie University.
It all started, as he tells in the short presentation linked here, when a hoodie fell off from his shoulder onto wet grass while playing with his son at the park. Then he thought, “it must be a better way.”
After many trials and errors, he figured out how to convert a hoodie and a sweatshirt into a functional backpack in seconds. Just grab, pull, and there you have a backpack with an inside pocket to store a phone, keys and other items.
This is a total turn over of a clothing concept, isn’t it? I was especially touched and moved by his inspiring message. At the end, Rener concludes:
"The best inventions are born in simplest moments of frustration…When the problem is identified, you can either sit around and hoping that somebody is going to solve this problem for you, or you can get to work at it yourself…Every problem is an invention waiting to happen. And if I can turn nothing to something, why can’t you?"
I feel this philosophy is what Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is all about. If Helio Graice, who was small and physically weak due to asthma can master Jiu-Jitsu, why can’t you?
Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is for everyone. It’s for me, a middle aged mom who is not really into working out, it’s for children in preschool, and for retiring uncles. It is for you. Anyone can benefit from this art regardless of age, strength and ability. If I can do it, why can't you?
At the headquarter before my class, I spotted Rener sitting on the bleachers. I ran back to the locker, grabbed my Hero Hoodie I got for my daughter's Christmas and a sharpie I brought for this, I hurried back to the room, introduced myself, and asked for his autograph both on the hoodie side and the converted backpack side.
I hope my next visit will be longer than 3 days so my daughter will also have a chance to take a class at the head quarter. She is super happy and proud to be wearing the autographed hoodie to school and to dojō.
The only downside is that the autographs are fading due to repeated laundry. Please sign again next time I visit, Rener!!
Hero Hoodie is offering free shipping and returns in the domestic U.S. They ship internationally, too.
*I am a fan of Hero Hoodie-- not affiliated with the company.
その時の感動はまた別に書くとして、今日はグレイシー柔術の創始者であるエリオ・グレイシー氏のお孫さんであり、現在のグレイシーアカデミーのトップであるヘナー・グレイシー氏が発明したHero Hoddieというブランドのパーカーについて。
*私はHero Hoodie のファンであり、利害関係はありません。