BEan in Nature

BEan in Nature


Driving through the tunnels of trees into the mountain of redwoods— it is a comforting place to drop off my child to spend a day— to experience being in nature with BEan in Nature program with Marisa Bean.

With Marisa, I know my daughter is surrounded by incredibly loving and skillful group of leaders who help building connections through survival skills and earthy crafts. Her day is filled with adventures and fellowship, giving gratitude back to the nature.


Even though I encountered BEan in Nature during my homeschool years, I appreciate Marisa’s program offerings still allow public school students to participate on weekends. Also, the multi-aged grouping offer Naturalist Mentoring Program, and I am excited for my daughter to transition into a mentor to give back to the BEan In Nature community.

​During the summer, day camps and evening gatherings in different locations throughout the Bay Area (Woodside, Cupertino, South San Jose, and Soquel, CA)add more exploring fun and nature diversity.

I am also very excited to collaborate possibilities of Japanese arts and craft with Marisa’s nature program. I can’t wait to merge our passions to expand learning experiences for the community.


Stay tuned! 

For more info on Bean in Nature program and schedules, please contact Marisa (



 木々のトンネルを抜け、レッドウッドがそびえる森にたどり着き、そこで1日過ごす娘を思うととホッとする。マリサ・ビーン(Marisa Bean)さん率いる、BEan in Nature プログラムによる自然の中(Being in Nature)での体験。

*名字のBean とBeing とBE を掛けている、すごいネーミング。







BEan in Natureのスケジュールやプログラムについてはこちら

お問い合わせはマリサのメール( まで。


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