Ninjas in Nature 忍者武者修行

Ninjas in Nature 忍者武者修行

Making bundle with farns and leaves.

Making bundle with farns and leaves.

I joined the Ninjas in Nature program in the redwood forest of the Santa Cruz mountains.  No matter how many times I go, I get nervous every time driving through a one-car curvy road on top of the hill to reach the destination.

Usually I go to the dojo while my daughter stays the mountain, but this month I decided to hang out with my dear ninja friends.

The day’s lesson was about fire—how to make fire, how to extinguish fire properly, how to spread the ashes back to the nature, how to use the ashes, and what to pack in the fire making kit.



The fire is what turned the human history to a totally different direction.  I feel very sacred when witnessing the moment of ignition by blowing a tinder bundle in front of me.

In the state where wild fire is so devastating, I felt it is especially meaningful to learn about it.I brought home a tinder bundle I made with ferns.  I shall make fire tools next.







  • 山でどんな種類の枝や葉を見つければ良いのか。
  • どんな場所で、方法で、火を起こすのがいいのか。

  • 火の性質、安全な消化方法、灰の処理の仕方。灰の利用方法。

  • 緊急火起しセットには何を入れればいいのか。





Happy New Year! 謹賀新年

Happy New Year! 謹賀新年

Rank Promotion Exam 書の検定

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