What is Kaiseki? カイセキって何?
“Kaiseki Ryōri” is getting familiar in English now a days. It is introduced as one of the styles of Japanese cuisine.
First, ryōri means cuisines or meals.
Let’s take a look at “Kaiseki”. It’s written as 「懐石」.
Originally, Kaiseki was developed by Zen monks.
Kai 「懐」 means inside pocket.
Seki 「石」 means a stone.
Monks used a heated rock in their pockets to warm their tummy to pass the hunger as they ate one meal a day.
at Matsumoto kan in Matsumoto city, Nagano
Around 1500’s in Japan, Sen no Rikyū (千利休,) who established tea ceremony, was from Sakai in Osaka. Osaka was one of the trading city where new cultures and items were present. He may be inspired to mix the western course meals and the zen monks traditions to create something that is suitable for the tea ceremony.
Kaiseki is a meal derived prior to the tea ceremony, especially 濃茶(koicha-bold matcha). It served a purpose to fill one’s stomach just enough so that one can enjoy the bold, strong matcha without irritation.
The amount of the meal doesn’t have to be big so 懐石 is offered in small portions. The order of the means are also carefully calculated, and usually consists of 1 soup & 3 dishes. Just as the tea ceremony celebrates seasonal specialities, the Kaiseki meals often offer seasonal ingredients.
Another kind of Kaiseki (written as 会席) is a course meal served at the parties and gatherings.
The purpose of the meal is to be full and enjoy companies. Sake is often served together. The ingredients and orders of the course may be different. The order in which the dishes are served is different from the tea ceremony kaiseki as well.
at Matsumoto kan in Matsumoto city in Nagano
Find your local Japanese restaurants that serve Kaiseki style and enjoy!