What Photography Taught Me 写真が教えてくれたもの

What Photography Taught Me 写真が教えてくれたもの

I had one day of being alone in Tokyo during the Japan trip this summer. I took advantage of this day by scheduling many meetings. I left the hotel at 7 am and came back after midnight. I met 9 people, and talked and chatted the whole day without stopping that my throat was hurting by the time I went to sleep. Of those 9 people I’ve met that day, one was Miyuki Sato. It’s been 15 years since we’ve met, and 9 years since the last time we saw each other face to face.



Long before Miyuki started her business in photography, I’ve been in love with her pictures. Although Miyuki is known for her portrait photo sessions and I plan doing a session with her, her floral photography is by far my most favorite.

How could she take such a warm hearted pictures? How could she express in this perspective? Why is it that her picture shows a strong backbone yet very airy at the same time?



So, I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to take her private lesson. As for techniques, I’ve been struggling with skies and greens being too burned out in the picture.  I wanted to improve how to close the gap between what I saw with my eyes and what was captured with the lens.  But her photography is more than just to capture what I saw with my eyes: it’s to capture what I saw with my heart.

だから、ずっと受講したかったプライベートレッスンに申し込みました。 自分の中でイメージした通りの写真がどうしても撮れなくて、技術面では「緑が薄れちゃう」「空の色が飛んじゃう」のを改善したかった。カメラのお気に入りレンズや普段の設定、要望などを事前に細かくお伝えし、お互い当日に備えました。でも本当はとにかくみゆきさんが映し出す世界の美しさが好きでたまらなくて、「どうしてもみゆきさんみたいな写真が撮りたいの」というのが本音。そんな要望を、快く引き受けてくださいました。もちろんその「方法」を本人から学んだところで、写真が同じにはならないというのは、私達が同じ人ではないので言うまでもなく。


She chose our meeting place to be at Shinjyuku Gyoen National Garden, to answer my request to learn how to better take scenery and floral pictures. She later told me that this garden has a green house, so we can still conduct a lesson even it rains.


The forecast said a typhoon was landing Tokyo on the lesson day. We both agreed to cancel if the transportation should be compromised. But no rain came. Just a cloudy day. We first sat on the bench to go over some camera techniques, using her own text booklet she made for her students. She already knew what I needed to do to solve my problems by analyzing from our conversations. Then, we headed to the green house to experiment what I just learned. Walking slowly, taking time, I kept looking for the perfect slices of the the world around me. Then we analyze together. Repeat.



Miyuki would never deny what I captured.

She gives me advice to help me converge what I saw through my eyes and what I saw though my heart.



I never understood the meaning of “the photographs reflecting the world back to me” . The direction of “photos —> me” was too abstract for me to understand. I should be the one reflecting the world onto the photographs. The direction should be “me—>photo” because I am the one who is deciding what to capture. I am the one who is pressing the button. What reflected to the photos should come from me. Right?



What I realized with Miyuki was that there is another world which only emerges through editing process— through my own contemplations and conversations with the images. It started to reflect back at me. “So this is what I was actually looking at. This is what I was trying to capture.” Miyuki enabled me and freed me to accept to follow into the new world created by what my heart pleases. She supports me and shares the same joy and excitement with me as I discover it.



If I had had more time, I wanted to visit her home studios and take other classes offered by her. I also wanted to meet her wonderful friends I always hear about. But that will be something I will look forward to.

Because we were to into taking photos and into our chatting, we totally forgot to take pictures of ourselves together. This, too, will be be something I will look forward to until next time.

I am thrilled for the images I will take from now on will develop as a tool to reflect and converse with my soul. Thank you so much for the fruitful 2 and half hours.



Here is the article Miyuki wrote about the day of our lesson (in Japanese). As a proof of our meeting, she had one picture of me. Thank you for capturing the moment of this day.


Here is Miyuki’s HP (in Japanese). Please enjoy her world and may her pictures bring you joy.



Moon Presentation at Dojō 道場で十五夜のプチプレゼン

Moon Presentation at Dojō 道場で十五夜のプチプレゼン

The News of Autumn 秋の知らせ

The News of Autumn 秋の知らせ