Things begin when you act 行動して始まること
With Hanako Sensei this summer. 華子先生と 夏お会いした時
Facebook told me that today was a year anniversary of my friendship with Hanako Takamiya. I look back and I can’t believe it was just a year ago.
Seven years ago, I found her blog and became a big fan of her. She not only operates her own calligraphy school for kids and adults, but she spreads her love of calligraphy through TV programs, movies, magazines, and company training as well as by publishing many books on calligraphy. I own three of her books at a year ago (now I own four). I follow her on Face Book. I signed her up for her newsletter.
One day in her newsletter, an announcement for a 7 day free email seminar of a startup business. I was very interested what she has to say as she builds her business soley with Japanese calligraphy. I couldn’t bring myself to sign up for a long time, one day in the fall of last year, I did.
I was expecting automated emails just like other email seminars I signed up before. But to my surprise, I received a personal email from herself greeting me! I almost fell off from chair when I received it and I couldn’t resist calling my best friend across the US continent to tell her that.
I exchanged emails with Hanako sensei some more, and became friends on Facebook. After that is an unexpected journey with her and her surrounding people. I can’t believe it was just a year ago that we became acquainted.
I don’t know why that particular day I went ahead and signed up to her email after I stayed low for 6 years. “I am not good enough to contact her. Who am I to contact her?” But I want to tell a year ago self: “Things begin when you act.”
The more I know about Hanako sensei, the more intrigued I had become by her bigger heart full of love of calligraphy and people. I am so grateful for all the people I’ve met because of her this summer. I would like to look back and write about it, but this week last year was the beginning of all—I shall cherish it.
Books I own written by Hanako Sensei. All first edition. 手元の華子先生のご著書。全て初版。