When Calligraphy Meets Cookies クッキーと書が融合した時

When Calligraphy Meets Cookies クッキーと書が融合した時


Mika is my best friend in Atlanta. She has many talents, but right now her passion lies spreading love and happiness through icing cookies. She is the owner of Mika’s Little Bakery, and her business delivers custom cookie and macaroon gifts, cookie classes, and holiday show appearance.

Visit her website here for custom cookies and macaroons. 

Mika surprised me on the Chinese New Year with cookies based on my own boar painting and calligraphy works! I’ve never imagined that my works be transformed into cookies. I feel like she cultivated the new possibility of calligraphy.

Thank you, Mika! 


アトランタ在住の大親友であるみかこさん。彼女は本当にパワフルなママでなんでもこなすのですが、その中でもひときわ彼女の愛が輝くのがアイシングクッキー。クッキーで幸せと喜びを伝えるMika’s Little Bakeryを構え、カスタムギフトやクッキー教室、ホリデーショー出展など大活躍されています。





Setsubun in Adult Class 大人クラスの節分

Setsubun in Adult Class 大人クラスの節分

Setsubun in kids class 子供クラスの節分