Roasted Soybeans 煎り大豆を携えて

Roasted Soybeans 煎り大豆を携えて


Even though the master at dojo already accepted my request to do a short presentation, preparing the soy beans for the occasion totally slipped my mind!


Roasted soybeans must be used because we project bad fortunes into the beans and throw them outside, and we don’t want the bad fortune to start sprouting.  

So the day of the presentation, I searched the “express recipe” to make the roasted soy beans for Setsubun festival. The beans were soaked in hot water for 3 hours, then dried, spread them to a pan and into the oven until they are cracked. 


I was able to share the meaning and stories in adult class as well as a little samurai story with the puns involved. I hope they had a glimpse of how important the wordings are in Japanese culture. 

I hope they enjoyed tasting the roasted beans. Thank you for your time. 






February Japanese Class at Preschool 二月の幼稚園で日本語クラス

February Japanese Class at Preschool 二月の幼稚園で日本語クラス

Setsubun in Adult Class 大人クラスの節分

Setsubun in Adult Class 大人クラスの節分