The Truth in Dodgeball ドッジボールの真実

The Truth in Dodgeball ドッジボールの真実


At the end of the Gracie Jiu-jitsu kids class, we play free-style dodge ball. It’s a simple game where teachers kick multiple balls (large, soft, bouncy balls), and students ran around to avoid them.  Kids love this, and I am proud of myself for getting good at kicking a ball after all these years of absence since high school P.E.  But the severe truth I faced this week…

As I shuffle around the room, I sensed someone behind me so I looked.  There, a student hiding behind me to avoid getting hit! Not just one, but several other students, four or five of them all in a different time, thought this was a great strategy and I kept finding a different student behind me each time!

What? They take advantage of an older and slower adult and strategize to win? How clever. How observant!!

But it won’t be as easy from now on, children. I will move around faster than ever! 





Japanese class at Preschool 幼稚園で日本語クラス

Japanese class at Preschool 幼稚園で日本語クラス

Are you using magic? 先生はマジック使っているの?

Are you using magic? 先生はマジック使っているの?