Japanese class at Preschool 幼稚園で日本語クラス

Japanese class at Preschool 幼稚園で日本語クラス

Posting with permission. 掲載許可を頂いてます。 

Posting with permission. 掲載許可を頂いてます。 

The second time I visited the Little Sprouts Preschool, children circled around me as soon as I opened the door saying “Miss Megumi! Why didn’t you visit us sooner?”

I receive the monthly lesson theme from the lead teacher, so my topic is aligned with what they are learning that week. 45 minutes goes by so quickly with activities. I hope that the children take a little bit of Japanese essence each time.


The surprise came after the session with fall color flowers and the big heart with children’s names and kanji “愛” for love. One more treasure added to my box and it is just too great to be true.

I could say “see you next time” and leave, but it is hard to pass the opportunity to explore and ran around in their beautiful gardens with these lovely children!  A student took my hand and showed me around where they usually play and their secret spot.


There are many plants and trees where children can pick and use them to play. No one pick them violently. And they gifted to me with their favorite flowers, leaves and seeds they harvested, even found snails to show me! (They were placed safely on leaves after the playtime is over).

What did I do to deserve such love from children I see only once a month? I can’t think of anything, but I am so happy and cherish these moments we share with smiles and love.  Thank you so much for this time, Little Sprouts!



教室のドアを開けるや否や「ミス メグミ~」と言って駆け寄って来てくれる幸せ。「何でもっと早く来てくれなかったの?」と子供達に詰め寄られる。







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