Feb. Exam Result 2月の検定結果

Feb. Exam Result 2月の検定結果

The result of a rank exam in February arrived today from Japan (via my master in Atlanta).

I was promoted to semi-second dan this time. There is no end to the learning, and I will continue to do my best.

Somehow this time, we had a trouble during the postal mailing both ways to Japan and to the U.S.  The next deadline is right after a Japanese long national holiday week (called Golden Week) in early May, which means I will need an ample time to mail it.

Before I send my exam to my school in Japan, I mail it to Atlanta across the US continent for my master to check my work.  I feel very little time is left to study! The daily practice matters and makes more difference now. 

Let’s write!!




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Do You Know What Being Confident Sounds Like?自信がある時ってどんな感じか分かりますか。