May Calligraphy Exam Result 五月の検定の結果

May Calligraphy Exam Result 五月の検定の結果


After the submission of my calligraphy exam in May, I received an express mail from Japan in early June announcing that I was granted to join the shihan (master) rank in the school.

In Horino Shodo School in Tokyo, after the students are recognized as a member of Shihankai (master assembly) after progressing to the third dan.

Looking back, it was August of 2001 when I started the calligraphy under the current master in Atlanta. She shared with me recently that for the first few years, she couldn’t understand the reason and puzzled why I was studying calligraphy. I was that low key, fluffy, non-grounded and  non-serious student at first. 

“I can now see your soul in the characters and lines”, I remember her telling me in the early spring of 2014.  I remember feeling she finally admitted me as her apprentice after many years of waiting for me patiently to grow as a student. 

I started taking the exams around 2004.  The exam is held four times a year.  Although I didn’t take it every single time, I was stuck at 1st kyu for few years. Then I moved to California away from my master, my lesson has been mainly through mail correspondences and phone conversations with once a year face to face meeting when I go back to Atlanta for the holiday. It took me at least five years to progress from the 2nd kyu to Shodan (1st dan) not to mention the years previous to 2nd kyu. But it took only less than two years from shodan to 3 dan. (Gyosho style progressed from semi-3rd kyu to 3rd kyu, Sosho Style progressed from 4th kyu to semi-3rd kyu this time).


Calligraphy is a life long journey with never ending learning and I only step forward one at a time. Yet, making this milestone that I’ve been working for nearly 10 years makes me feel accomplished and joyful to continue my journey.

Following the vision of our grand master Horino Tessen to spread the art of the Japanese calligraphy to the world, I continue on my path dedicated and passionate as a member of masters at Horino Shodo in Japan.






お休みしていた時期もあったり、毎回受けていたわけではないけれど、2004年頃から年に四回ある検定を受け始めたものの、どうしても1級が越えられず何年も足踏み状態。そんな中師匠の元を離れ西海岸へ引っ越すことになり、年に一度の対面稽古に郵送と電話での添削指導が始まりました。二級から初段までは五年かかったのに、初段から三段までは2017年から二年弱で上がることができました。(今回 四級だった草書は準三級へ。準三級だった行書は三級へ昇級することができました。)



My students must be geniuses! 私の生徒さんって天才かも!

My students must be geniuses! 私の生徒さんって天才かも!

100% more fun than school! 学校より100%楽しい!

100% more fun than school! 学校より100%楽しい!