My students must be geniuses! 私の生徒さんって天才かも!
In October calligraphy class, the the word “in the midst of mountains” fit us well.
We ninjas also train in the mountains in the beautiful redwood forest, so this was perfect.
This was the second time with three words, but the first time including hiragana. “の” looks easy but the use of brush tip to turn is tricky. To write “中”-middle, the center line should come straight down using the hara and the whole body. As we all practice martial arts, they understood it quickly and they did great! Even an online student tuning in from Massachusetts created beautiful work.
And look at these beautiful mountains!
My students must be geniuses, I thought to myself during the lesson. We surely can tell their love for nature and mountains.
It is always my hope that I help bring out the greatness in their heart through brush.
Thank you for the fun time as always!